
If you’re wondering how ‘religion’ can do everything God has called us to do.

It can’t.

But as a part of God’s Kingdom we, together, with God’s help, can.

And if you’re not sure if you belong to that Kingdom, or even qualify for it, then know that we all do (His Word says that while we were yet sinners Christ died for the ungodly) and say the short prayer below from your heart.

God, you know me better than I know myself. And You know that I have fallen short of Your righteousness. We all have. But You paid the price of Yourself that I might be set free. I receive that gift by faith now. I am saved, healed, delivered and born from above. I am a child of God and Joint Heir with Jesus Christ. You are now truly my Father and I commit the rest of my life…and beyond…to Your care in Jesus’ name. Now, baptize me, Father in your precious and powerful Holy Spirit and bless me with a prayer language that I might commune with You on a level beyond my own understanding. I pray and receive by faith in Jesus’ name. Thank You for Your unspeakable gift.  Amen.


Contact us with your testimony and we will send you free of charge a packet of information to help you read your Bible and grow in grace and in the knowledge of your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Now find a Bible believing church and get involved. We’re praying for you and Jesus is interceding with the Father for you so don’t fear and don’t ever give up. Read the book of Jude (just before Revelation) verses 24 and 25.