Not On God’s Street

How do we defeat the evil that has come against our Valley and is attempting to seduce our children with the empty and destructive and even deadly promise of illegal drugs?

One street at a time.

Join us.

Take the pledge. Pray the prayer. Take the stand.

…and visit for more information.

I refuse…to allow anyone who has even the slightest notion of inviting or seducing or even thinking about exposing one man, woman, boy or girl to the bondage and slavery of drugs on this street. The BLESSING of Almighty God is on my street and on this Valley and no enemy can stand in its way.

Heavenly Father in Jesus’ Name I plead the Blood of Jesus (Sangre de Christo) over this Valley and especially this street .
I claim this block of _______________________  Street for the Kingdom of God.

It is now God’s Street and no evil, no demon of hell and no one representing his work in the form of drugs, gangs, theft, bodily harm or illicit activity of any kind or contrary to God’s Word will prosper, remain or even dare enter here. Amen.

This is my stand and according to Mark 11:23 I call this evil “This Mountain” and I command “This Mountain” in Jesus’ Name and faith in that Name to be removed and be cast into the sea. I do not doubt in my heart but believe that those things which I say shall come to pass. Therefore I have what I say.

And according to Mark 11:24, 25 I desire that all on this street be healed, protected, delivered, prospered and empowered against any attempt of that evil to come against them. I believe I receive this promise of God’s Word now when I pray and I therefore have what I say.

Our battle is not with flesh and blood but against principalities and powers and I therefore claim the souls of those being used in these evil purposes for the Kingdom of God.